All you have to do is
Fill up simple details right here
Fill in the form & guess where #HeyCha is heading to. Hints are in the picture.
Screenshot the voucher code on ‘Thank You’ page or email submission inbox.
Flash your e-voucher at our outlet from 12pm to 1pm for FREE drinks!
Mark your calendars, invite your fam and friends to fruitiest par-TEA evaaa!
*Online registration ends on 13th April 2018, 4pm. T&C Apply*
Terms & Conditions
Download the voucher, then present the voucher at the redemption counter during the grand opening event.
Voucher can only be redeemed on 14th April 2018, 12pm – 1pm, at HeyCha IOI Puchong Mall.
The online registration ends at 13th April 2018, 4pm.
Only one voucher can be used per person & one voucher can only redeem one beverage.
Sharing voucher code is NOT allowed, voucher code is for one-time use only.
The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash value.
Management is not liable if voucher is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission and no replacement will be provided under these circumstances.
Management reserves the right to suspend, modify, terminate or cancel the campaign at any time. These conditions may be amended from time to time by the management without prior notice.